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Thursday, January 28, 2021

How to give/receive critiques

  • Your critique should help the writer to improve the piece – what works and what doesn’t. Honesty is the best policy.
  • Don’t offer your personal anecdotes. Comment on writing issues only. Be brief.
  • Irrelevant discussion will be cut off.
  • Unless asked a direct question, writers don’t respond or defend their work.
  • If you are not open to suggestions for revision, do not present your piece. If it is already exactly the way you want it, there is nothing to improve.
  • Critiques should be genuine attempts to improve the work. They should never be cutting, nasty, ridiculing or snobby.
  • If the critique completely misses the point or is flat wrong, don’t respond. Just mentally dispense with the comment.
  • Remember, it’s your piece. Never blame someone for suggestions they provided. You’re the one responsible for revisions.

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