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Jennifer A. Sloane


Journey to Nel Mezzo
(Book 1 in the Nel Mezzo Trilogy)

Jennifer A. Sloane
What if virtual reality was your only reality?

Seventeen-year-old Celeste has the perfect way to handle her introversion: an obsession with VR gaming. But when a family vacation takes her off-grid for the summer, all the gear in the world can’t protect Celeste from her deepest fear—the voice in her head. At first, being off grid isn’t all bad, and there’s something oddly familiar about Gabe, the handsome young local who easily draws Celeste out of her shell. Just as their romance begins, the voice in her head makes a grand entrance, and Celeste is whisked away from any hope of normalcy.

Catapulted into another dimension where she is her own avatar inside a virtual reality game, Celeste has to complete a series of quests that surpass any reality she’s ever known. Without a safety net or a way to return home, Celeste must follow the voice in her head on a quest that will either reunite her with Gabe and her family or leave her lost forever between two worlds.

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