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Saturday, January 30, 2021

DWG 2020 Anthology

This is the second consecutive year that the DWG has published an anthology, which includes short stories and book excerpts, both fiction and nonfiction. The anthology is available on Amazon.

  • Introduction, by Dave Easby
  • Three, by Jon Michael Miller
  • Lamb Fries, by Dave Easby
  • The Underlying Thing, by Alexis Langsner
  • Four Short Stories about My Dad, by Ellen Sollinger Walker
  • Art, by Thomas McGann
  • Eleven Moons: The Bridge of Dreams, by Helen Dibble Gochis
  • Media Madness, by Joe Wisinski
  • How Sami Harami Got His Name, by Carol Siyahi Hicks
  • Hope is (Still) the Thing With Feathers, by Jennifer Sloane
  • How To Solve a Jigsaw Puzzle, by Patricia Pollack
  • Cow Therapy, by Rhonda Rineker
  • Island Encounter, by D. N. Bedeker
  • Am I Fat?, by David Foote
  • The Piano Lessons, by Barbara Schrefer
  • Twisted Virtue, by Michael Marra
  • The Problem: The Pain of Feeling Stuck, by Margrit Goodhand
  • Stumblebum, by Sol Gumpricht
  • Save-A-Lot or Sis Drinks One Too Many Kratoms, by Shira Picult
  • Pack Your Bags; We’re Going to Florida, by John Whelan
  • (Don’t!) Do It Yourself, by Kevin Corrigan
  • Getting Away, by Bill Roberts
  • Shiny Air, by Jennifer Shovan
  • The Tale of Anton Ekels Begins, by Kip Koelsch
  • In Closing, by Jon Michael Miller

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