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Wednesday, April 12, 2023

On Saturday, March 11, 2023, Dunedin Writers Group members participated in

MythCon, an author reading event at the Dunedin History Museum

2023 began with Dunedin writers sharing their stories. The library hosted DWG readings in January and February. Then, there was Mythcon Day downtown Dunedin, with monsters and magic. This March day with folklore, legends, movies, myths, and tales would not have been complete without DWG's contributions. We gathered at the old train depot, refurbished to new life as the history museum.

Kathy Foley began DWG's storytelling with a historical tale, "His Bluff was Called," inspired by a circa 1900 Tampa Tribune article.

Dave Easby relayed a primate pirate's antics  in "The Mystery Monkey of Tampa," a story from his published collection, Mystery Monkeys and Unstable Discs.

Susan Adger kept us amused with "Moonshine, Muffins, and a Boat Named Helen," from her book Heavenly Days.

Kathy Foley
Dave Easby
Susan Adger
Left to right: Kathy Foley, Dave Easby, Susan Adger

In lyrical fashion, Alexis Langsner read "Home of His Soul," exploring Arthurian legends.

Tom McGann read from his The Riddle of Riddles Book: When is the riddle the answer. Young Will looks for the answer in this book, and is transported to the Realm of Reflection where the search, with no shortage of obstacles, begins.

Gail Lulek reflected on Dunedin's past by telling of "The Building on Douglas," the Publix grocery store replaced by today's library. We laughed through history repeating itself by the antics of children in the grocery, and grandchildren in the library.

Left to right: Alexis Langster, Tom McGann, Gail Lulek

Bervi Adams read a chapter from her book, Night Tastings: Part One: The Ingress.

John Whalen read his nostalgic "The Old Man and the Game," inspired by a Walt Whitman story, and coinciding with spring training at the nearby baseball stadiums.

Neil Bedeker, 16-year member of DWG, read "Storm Surge" about Hurricane Michael. This is a story from his new collection, Gulf Coast Tales.

Left to right: Bervi Adams, John Whalen, Neil Bedeker

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

On November 19, 2022, The Dunedin Writers Group participated in the Dunedin Library's LOCAL AUTHOR SHOWCASE

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Reading Event: Local Authors Read Their Stories

WHAT?  Dunedin Writers Group Authors read their stories.
This event is open to the public and will take place at the Dunedin Public Library--in the meeting room just off the main entrance.

WHY? To give local authors a place to present their work, let the public know the great talent in the DWG and to offer sales of the new 2022 Anthology! Invite your family and friends! The more, the merrier!
WHEN? Saturday, February 18th, 1:00-3:00
WHERE? Dunedin Public Library
Members of  the Dunedin Writers Group will also have their own books on sale.
COME JOIN US!!Let's make this a fabulous event!!

Thursday, February 4, 2021

A Recent Book by One of Our Members

Moonshine, Muffins, and a Boat Named Helen: Stories from a Small Florida Town in the 1930S

When an old church is torn down in the small Florida town of Toad Springs, a trunk full of stories written by the inhabitants in the 1930s is discovered in the attic.

You'll meet Midge and Smitty Mallet, who end up in Toad Springs after being led astray by one of the Tennessee binder boys, Chuck Barber and his plans to get rich starting up a "game of chance," and Ginger Perkins who, after being jealous for years of her best friend's successful singing career, learns to be careful what you ask for.

Laugh along with these heartwarming and hilarious down-home tales from another era in the sequel to Seashells, Gator Bones, and the Church of Everlasting Liability!

Saturday, January 30, 2021

DWG 2020 Anthology

This is the second consecutive year that the DWG has published an anthology, which includes short stories and book excerpts, both fiction and nonfiction. The anthology is available on Amazon.

  • Introduction, by Dave Easby
  • Three, by Jon Michael Miller
  • Lamb Fries, by Dave Easby
  • The Underlying Thing, by Alexis Langsner
  • Four Short Stories about My Dad, by Ellen Sollinger Walker
  • Art, by Thomas McGann
  • Eleven Moons: The Bridge of Dreams, by Helen Dibble Gochis
  • Media Madness, by Joe Wisinski
  • How Sami Harami Got His Name, by Carol Siyahi Hicks
  • Hope is (Still) the Thing With Feathers, by Jennifer Sloane
  • How To Solve a Jigsaw Puzzle, by Patricia Pollack
  • Cow Therapy, by Rhonda Rineker
  • Island Encounter, by D. N. Bedeker
  • Am I Fat?, by David Foote
  • The Piano Lessons, by Barbara Schrefer
  • Twisted Virtue, by Michael Marra
  • The Problem: The Pain of Feeling Stuck, by Margrit Goodhand
  • Stumblebum, by Sol Gumpricht
  • Save-A-Lot or Sis Drinks One Too Many Kratoms, by Shira Picult
  • Pack Your Bags; We’re Going to Florida, by John Whelan
  • (Don’t!) Do It Yourself, by Kevin Corrigan
  • Getting Away, by Bill Roberts
  • Shiny Air, by Jennifer Shovan
  • The Tale of Anton Ekels Begins, by Kip Koelsch
  • In Closing, by Jon Michael Miller

Friday, January 29, 2021

DWG 2019 Anthology

This anthology, which is available on Amazon, presents pieces by 24 members. Each entry was critiqued at DWG meetings. Representing all our present members who wished to enter, the collection contains a fascinating variety of subject matter, settings, genres, and skill levels —a great read!

 Each book listed in this pamphlet is available on Amazon in print or eBook.

  • The New Kingdom, by Mary T. Dresser
  • Norah's Children Trilogy, by Ann O’Farrell
  • My Blood is Royal, by Joyce Milne D’Auria
  • I Didn't Kill the Third Girl, by David A. Foote
  • They Tore Down the Russel Hotel, by Dave Easby 
  • Mystery Monkeys & Unstable Discs, by Dave Easby
  • Love and War at Kent State, by Jon Michael Miller
  • Truth Under Trump, by Jon Michael Miller
  • Roz: The Story of a Jamaican Lolita, by Jon Michael Miller 
  • The Outlaw Island, by D. N. Bedeker
  • Hot Pursuit in Florida, by D. N. Bedeker
  • Dark Hearts, White City, by D. N. Bedeker
  • The Cassidy Posse, by D. N. Bedeker 
  • Ghost, by Michael Marra
  • Chance, by Thomas McGann
  • Riddle of Riddles, by Thomas McGann
  • Glassey's Mountain, by Bill Roberts
  • Stanley, by Bill Roberts
  • Murder on Bibber's Island, by Bill Roberts
  • Anamec, by Helen Gochis
  • Katerina, by Helen Gochis
  • God Meets Zeus, by Helen Gochis
  • Half An Amish Man, by Margrit Goodhand
  • Nel Mezzo Triology, by Jennifer A. Sloane
  • Delphis Rising, by Kip Koelsch 
  • Wendall's Lullaby, by Kip Koelsch
  • Gifts from the Garden, by Carol Syahi Hicks
  • Just Where They Wanted To Be, by Ellen Sollinger Walker