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Friday, October 27, 2023

DWG First Annual All-Members Meeting

On Wednesday night, October 25, 2023, the Dunedin Writers Group held its first all-members meeting. Part annual report, part town hall, the attendees numbered 27 in all.

Our treasurer, Rhonda, shared the DWG financial report.

The Steering Committee then gave updates on membership, our website and internet presence, plans for the anthology launch party, the DWG brochure revisions, events for 2023/24, plans for a third weekly meeting time, and new meeting protocols.

Jennifer, this year's editor, presented the anthology cover and pages from the table of contents. She also discussed the role of the editor.

Paul related a brief history of the origins of the Steering committee, its activities, and functions. 

Following these presentations was a question and answer session that was both informative and lively, with many of the members expressing suggestions, concerns, and appreciation.